Saturday 4 November 2017


Silver hydrogen peroxide, a broad spectrum disinfectant is based on the unique formulation of hydrogen peroxide and silver ions in presence of catalysts .The silver used in this may be either in the form of nano particles or silver nitrate.
For many years Hydrogen peroxide alone has been used extensively as a potential chemical disinfectant in various field of applications.  But hydrogen peroxide is a highly reactive compound, owing to its strong oxidizing nature it decomposes quickly into water and oxygen thereby reducing
its disinfection efficiency.

Silver in this formulation plays the role of a stabilizer and an activator. It helps to control the rapid decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

One of the most unique feature of silver ion is that it shows the property of an activator only when it comes in contact with biological impurities. It activates the hydrogen peroxide which in turn oxidizes all contaminants.  After the entire decomposition process is complete, silver ions again starts its stabilizing action for the residual hydrogen peroxide which was not involved in the oxidation. This is called a ‘store’ or ‘depot’ action.
Silver Hydrogen Peroxide shows efficacy against all kinds of viruses, yeast, mould and spore formers in almost every possible applications such as soil, water, air and surface.

ALSTASAN SILVOX a unique product of Chemtex has been designed with hydrogen peroxide stabilized with nano silver particles.
This product shows oligo-dynamic function against all types of microbes.
One of the major use of SILVOX is in agricultural disinfection.

Some of the most important applications in agricultural sectors are as follows
ALSTASAN SILVOX finds application in soil fumigation, as an agricultural disinfectant spray.   It kills different types of bugs, insects and flies residing on the soil by forming a gas. One of the advantages of SILVOX is that it can be applied directly over moistened soil beds without any additional requirement of water rinsing thus preventing nutrient depletion, also this product allows a much lesser time for making the soil ready for plantation which effectively increases crop production.
This is a non toxic product which can be applied as a foliar spray on different food crops like apples, potatoes, tomatoes etc.

ALSTASAN SILVOX is dosed in irrigation water  which is fed to the plant zone through a drip line. This helps in controlling the re-growth of different pests.
 Agricultural tools like cutting knives, scissors, etc can be sterilized with Alstasan Silvox Solution.
Excessive use of any pesticides results unwanted taste, and toxic residue on the crops which leads to consumer rejection. Washing with ALSTASAN SILVOX   ensures fresh farm appearance, remove all types of toxic residues and increases the productivity.
This product has no toxic effect on agricultural crops and causes no taste or smell alteration. It is biodegradable and eco friendly having no carcinogenic and mutagenic effect to humans.

For more Information please visit at our website:-

Friday 14 July 2017

Broad Spectrum Disinfectant for Agriculture - Alstasan Silvox

Agricultural disinfectants  are  used to control various pests mainly the microbes (viruses,bacteria,fungi)  which affect crops and have a serious impact on the economic output of a farm.  Agricultural production must be increased considerably in the foreseeable future to meet the food and feed demands of a rising human population and increasing livestock production. There are several ways in which pest or disease populations can affect different physiological processes in plants. They may, for example, reduce crop stands by eliminating the plants, they may reduce inputs such as light, CO2 or water, they may affect rates of metabolic and growth processes directly or they may remove or consume previously produced material. Thus pathogen control  by farm disinfectant  plays a key role in safeguarding crop productivity against competition from weeds, animal pests, pathogens and viruses.

Hypochlorites & halogens,Quaternary ammonium compounds & phenols ,some oxidizing agents & aldehydes and few alcohols and acids are the approved disinfectants used in agriculture .These disinfectant products  finds application in surface,aerial and water sanitizing. The 1,2,4-triazoles are one of the most widely  used  fungicide in cereals, rice, beet, trees, vegetables and flowers. Strobilurins  is another commonly used  fungicide which interfere with the production of adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP), the nucleotide that transports energy within cells for metabolism, thus preventing germination and growth. The strobilurins are mainly used on grasses (turf), vines, fruit and particularly cereals. o-Phenylphenol is  also commonly used in agriculture to control bacterial and fungal growth on harvested crops, especially citrus fruits.

 Hydrogen dioxide kills bacteria, fungus, algae and their spores immediately on is labeled as a disinfectant for use on greenhouse surfaces, equipment, benches, pots, trays and tools, and for use on plants. Hydrogen Peroxide, Peroxyacetic Acid and Octanoic Acid  is a strong oxidizing agent used as an algecide on greenhouse structures and floor and is labeled for use in chemigation. But all these above mentioned products have their adverse effects on agriculture as well.

For eg,  Q-salts are not protectants. They may eradicate certain pathogens, but will have little residual activity. Contact with any type of organic matter will inactivate them. The products tend to foam a bit when they are active. Hydrogen dioxide and Peroxyacetic acid   may cause phytotoxicity for some crops, especially if applied above labeled rates or if plants are under stress. Hydrogen dioxide can be applied through an irrigation system. As a concentrate it is corrosive and causes eye and skin damage or irritation. Most of these disinfectants are non biodegradable and  can cause potential environmental hazards.

SILVOX,a synergistic blend of hydrogen peroxide with silver ions is highly effective against microbial activity and can be  used  extensively  as an agricultural  disinfectant. Silver ions show oligo-dynamic effect on bacterial cells in relatively lower concentrations compared to the traditional disinfectants.Silver ions denature enzymes by reacting with the thiol groups to form silver sulfides.Hydrogen peroxide when used alone as as a disinfectant it decomposes to oxygen and water.Silver when added to hydrogen peroxide prevents its slow decomposition. The silver performs as an activator, but it activates the peroxide only when it is exposed to bio-foulants. On coming in contact with microbials the silver loss its stabilizing function and activates to release nascent oxygen to oxidize the exposed microbes. When all bacteria have been oxidized by the generated active oxygen compounds, the silver once again acts as a stabilizer for the remaining and non reacted oxygen.
SILVOX use as a disinfectant minimizes the use of other commercial harmful disinfectants products because of its unique features. ALSTASAN SILVOX dosed with water  performs well in soil fumigation .It can be applied uniformly over moistened soil beds without any additional requirement of water rinsing and plant covering thus  preventing nutrient depletion. This product makes the soil ready for plantation within 12 hours which effectively increases crop production.

Dosing of ALSTASAN SILVOX in irrigation water can be fed to the plant zone through a drip line. Repeating this once in every 15 days prevents re-growth of infectious pathogens. This product helps in preventing  clogging of drip lines and venturimeters by removing biofilms and their re-growth. Agricultural tools like cutting knives, scissors,etc can be sterilized with Alstasan Silvox Solution. Seed treatment with Alstasan Silvox for 8-12 hours before plantation protect the seeds from soil borne diseases. It enhances the seed germination, reduces mortality, enhancing root formation.

Alstasan Silvox dosed with water helps in seed bed treatment by killing pathogens that affect the growth and development of seedlings. Pesticide applications leave unwanted taste and toxic residue on the produce prompting consumer rejection. Washing with ALSTASAN SILVOX ensures fresh farm appearance, eliminates toxic surface residues. It increases shelf life of the produce even after prolonged storage.This product has no phytotoxic effect and causes no taste or smell alteration. It is biodegradable and eco friendly having no carcinogenic and mutagenic effect to humans.

Alstasan Silvox as agriculture disinfectant

Silvox used as disinfectant in farming

Thursday 29 June 2017


The  use of medical disinfectants  help  to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses and  promote disinfection in hospitals. Many infectious diseases can be halted in their tracks by the  use of  proper hospital hygiene products. Infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, mucormycosis (a flesh-eating fungal infection) are mostly caused by pathogens including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Health care-associated infections, or HAIs, are infections that patients acquire while they are receiving treatment for another condition in a healthcare setting. Reusable medical devices such as surgical instruments and endoscopes can also harbor pathogens and be responsible for HAIs.
The main disease causing microbes are viruses, bacteria and fungi. They are all beyond normal human eye   vision but still they are potential disease causing agents. Disinfectants are thus extensively used in hospitals and other health care settings and are called as hospital grade disinfectants for a variety of topical and hard-surface applications.
A wide variety of active chemical agents (biocides) are   used as disinfectants, including alcohols, phenols, iodine, and chlorine etc.
 Ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol and n-propanol are the most widely used alcohols against microbial activity. Alcohols exhibit rapid broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against vegetative bacteria (including mycobacteria), viruses, and fungi. Among aldehydes glutaraldehyde is an important dialdehyde that has found usage as a disinfectant and sterilant, in particular for low-temperature disinfection and sterilization of endoscopes and surgical equipment and as a fixative in electron icroscopy. Glutaraldehyde has a broad spectrum of activity against bacteria and their spores, fungi, and viruses. Ortho-phthaladehyde has t microbiocidal activity and mycobactericidal activity and has potent bactericidal and sporicidal activity. Like glutaraldehyde, it interacts with amino acids, proteins and microorganisms.Formaldehyde-primarily available as a water based solution called formalin, which contains 37% formaldehyde by weight is used as a high level disinfectant. Formaldehyde has been traditionally used to sterilize equipment such as surgical instruments and haemodialysers in combination with alcohols. Paraformaldehyde, a solid polymer of formaldehyde, is used in combination with low-temperature steam for the disinfection of heat-sensitive medical equipment. Peracetic acid based solutions are also used as sporicidal, bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal at low concentrations. Chlorine- and iodine-based compounds are the most significant microbicidal halogens used in the clinic and have been traditionally used for disinfectant purposes. The most important types of CRAs are sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide, and the N-chloro compounds such as sodium dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC), with chloramine-T being used to some extent. Iodine , although less reactive than chlorine,  is  extensively used as  bactericidal, fungicidal, tuberculocidal, virucidal, and sporicidal agents in medical disinfectants.  Disinfectant solutions containing 7.5% hydrogen peroxide are used for  sterilisation and high-level disinfection in healthcare Quaternary ammonium compounds  have also  been  used against microbial activity in hospitals.Many phenolic compounds also  possess antifungal and antiviral properties. Their antifungal action probably involves damage to the plasma membrane resulting in leakage of intracellular constituents. Thus phenols have also found its application in   hospital disinfectant products.
These disinfectants which are extensively used in hospitals have found to cause many adverse effects. Formaldehyde is known to have carcinogenic effects. Acute or chronic exposure of glutaraldehyde results in skin irritation, mucous membrane irritation and multiple pulmonary symptoms such as occupational asthma and allergic rhinitis. Triclosan, the active ingredient in most antibacterial products, not only kills bacteria, it also has been shown to kill human cells Phenol is toxic and people who are hypersensitive can experience serious side effects at very low levels. Phenols cause damage to respiratory and circulatory systems. It can seriously affect liver, kidneys and eyes. Chlorine based compounds emit harmful fumes which makes it unsuitable to be used as a hospital disinfectant products. Most of these disinfectants are non biodegradable and  can cause potential environmental hazards.
ALSTASAN SILVOX, a synergistic blend of hydrogen peroxide with silver ions is highly effective against microbial activity and can be used extensively as hospital  grade disinfectant. It find application as disinfectant wipes, floor disinfectant, hospital disinfectant cleaner, disinfectant spray, disinfectant spray, hospital sanitizer products etc.

Silver ions show oligo-dynamic effect on bacterial cells in relatively lower concentrations compared to the traditional disinfectants. Silver ions denature enzymes by reacting with the thiol groups to form silver sulfides. Hydrogen peroxide when used alone as a disinfectant it decomposes to oxygen and water. Silver when added to hydrogen peroxide prevents its slow decomposition.

The silver performs as an activator, but it activates the peroxide only when it is exposed to bio-foulants. On coming in contact with microbials the silver loses its stabilizing function and activates to release nascent oxygen to oxidize the exposed microbes. When all bacteria has been oxidized by the generated active oxygen compounds, the silver once again acts as a stabilizer for the remaining and non reacted oxygen.

SILVOX use as a medical disinfectant dominates other commercial disinfectants products because of its unique features. It does not require heat for disinfection and thus can act as a cold sterilant. Unlike others it is effective at a very low concentration over a large range of micro-organisms and destroys biofilm. When used as a floor disinfectant it does not leave any stains on floor. Its non foaming nature makes it suitable for spraying, fogging and fumigation. .It does not leave back any odor in the rooms so can be used effectively as a hospital disinfectant cleaner.
It is completely organic in nature and does not leave any toxic residue and does not emit any harmful fumes, Alstasan Silvox is biodegradable and has no adverse effect on environment.

Wednesday 31 May 2017


Chlorine has been the number one disinfectant for safe drinking water. It came into the limelight during the 1900s when in the hurricane struck areas, clean drinking water was required in a short period of time. Chlorine brought the revolution by eliminating typhoid, cholera, dysentery and other ailments which were otherwise killing thousands of people.

Chlorination is basically adding chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite to water that dissociates into hydrogen and hypochlorite ions. It works on contact basis, where it oxidizes the cell membrane, and the free chlorine ions enter the ruptured cells stopping cellular respiration and DNA activity, resulting in microbial death.

However effective the process of chlorination is, it requires timely de-chlorination for the water to be available to the consumers. De-chlorination with Sodium Metabisulphite (smbs) or Activated Carbon is necessary so that the final outflow of water contains less than 3 ppm of sodium hypochlorite. It is important to look for a friendlier hassle-free solution, which perfectly places silver hydrogen peroxide on full throttle.

Silver Hydrogen Peroxide is an eco-friendly broad spectrum disinfectant, effective on a wide range of microorganisms including protozoan cysts & fungal endospores which are left unharmed in chlorination. It works against biofilms and slimes in closed pipeline systems, in spite of being noncorrosive in nature. Silver Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen with no THM or any other residue. It lacks the pungent odour of chlorine and does not alter the taste and smell of water. It works on a short contact time, requiring a much lesser time for disinfection. Chlorine usually takes 20 minutes, excluding the other hassles of de-chlorination, etc. The process of disinfection is even simpler for this product, just addition of raw silver hydrogen peroxide to water and ensuring a good contact time is enough for safer water. FDA has approved the usage of Silver Hydrogen Peroxide in drinking water up to a concentration of 25 ppm.

Chemtex Speciality Limited globally markets Nano Silver Hydrogen Peroxide made from a combination of Hydrogen Peroxide IP and Nano Silver particles, under the registered trade name of Alstasan Silvox.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Farm Bio-security with Nano Silver Hydrogen Peroxide based Alstasan Silvox

Soil and water are treasured ecological components and basic elements of agriculture that must be sustain-ably preserved. End use classification of agriculture disinfectants are divided into livestock and farms. Disinfection products and detergents used on the farm find their way through harvested products and thus into the human food chain. Implementation of Good Farming Practices (GFP) protects livestock and consumers from diseases and other health hazards. Bio-security being an integral part of GFP is based on sound preventative and curative measures for maximum security and therefore turning into profitability. Effective use of agriculture disinfectants proves growth efficiency while also having efficacy against typical farm diseases thereby requiring implementation of effective disinfection programs. Environmental effects channel down to human wellness and thus necessitating awareness. It is thus important to consider uses of disinfectants that may present environmental risks.

Agriculture Disinfectants market is driven by increasing demand for animal products, increasing greenhouse vegetable production and vertical farming, increasing disease outbreaks among livestock, and recent ban on antibiotics in animal feed. The function of disinfectants is to kill and prevent the growth of microorganisms. Disinfectants are potentially harmful substances that are used in intensive animal production and disease control programs. These products may harm plant and animal life, even humans, also have an adverse impact on the environment, when used without due caution. Disinfectants for animal husbandry or livestock are gaining popularity as livestock farmers make frequent use of disinfectants for newborn animals owing to their highly vulnerability to diseases and infections, due to their immature immune systems. Moreover, adoption and use of innovative animal husbandry practices improve health and sanitation of the animals, increase crop quality and productivity of the crops driving the growth of agricultural disinfectants market in this region. The general agriculture disinfectants include the use of chlorine, formaldehyde, phenols, peracetic acid, QACs, iodophor, or hydroxides like caustic. All of the aforementioned products are generally toxic to a broad range of living cells but provide no long-lasting protection against microorganisms. Broad spectrum use of hydrogen peroxide and its breaking down to water and oxygen as end products names it world’s safest sanitizer.

Pre-requisites for an effective agriculture disinfectant:
  • Safe to use and handle
  • 100% biodegradable
  • Easy to evaluate in-use dosages
  • Broad spectrum disinfectant
Silver hydrogen peroxide, eco-friendly agriculture disinfectant, is hydrogen peroxide stabilized with the addition of silver proves well effective in farms. Silver hydrogen peroxide works on a contact basis, where hydrogen peroxide with its oxidizing capabilities breakdown the cell wall of pathogenic cells, and antimicrobial silver works thereafter. Three factors of silver that benefit this product are its oligodynamic property (antimicrobial silver), stability (H2O2 does not readily decompose), and activation (H2O2 is only activated when exposed to bio-foulants).

Finding use in open field cultivation, with miles of unmanned farms running, and protected greenhouses where particular pathogens having similar growing conditions flourish easily.
Key features of silver hydrogen peroxide for horticulture purposes include:

     ·         Broad spectrum biocide
     ·         Eco-friendly, safe and non-toxic product
     ·         Application features drip, drench, soil fumigation
     ·         Works on a short contact time
     ·         Active over a wide pH and temperature range
     ·         Non carcinogenic, non mutagenic to humans
     ·         Minimizes use of harmful pesticides
     ·         No phyto-toxic effect
     ·         Prevents clogging of drip lines and venturi meters

Microbial diseases like bacterial cankers, mildews, root gall formations, leaf wilting, spotting can be averted and/or treated with the use of silver hydrogen peroxide.

Friday 7 April 2017

How Silver Hydrogen Peroxide can be effective in dental clinics

Hospital Disinfection has always been one of the prime concerns for safe disinfection, since nosocomial infections is now quite a heard term, and both patients and doctors are exposed to blood and saliva on a daily basis. Blood and saliva contains considerable amounts and varieties of bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens, mostly causal for flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.

Studies have shown that 20% of dentists, 13% of assistants, and nearly 17% of the staff have been exposed to Hepatitis B and many suffer acute/ chronic effects of the same. Sterilization through autoclaving is important but cross contamination occur before, since many thermophilic bacterial spores are resistant to pressurized steam as well. The correct procedures incorporate disinfection, and then sterilize the same to remove microbes and spores. Bacterial spores are most resistant to biocides.

Endospores are hard, non reproductive coverings secreted by many gram positive bacteria, and are the sole reason behind their resistance to most DNA damaging chemicals and Ultra Violet Light. The two methods mostly employed to disinfect the same. The thing about silver hydrogen peroxide is that it is a blend of hydrogen peroxide and silver, which works on a dual basis oxidizing the spores on a contact basis, with the silver dissembling the DNA. Problem solved, right?

So, why not use just an oxidizer? Or silver? An oxidizer would of course be effective on the sporulation but would fail to determine the long lastingness of the same and since there is no antimicrobial silver to dissemble the DNA which would sooner build up resistance for the same.

And silver, well it cannot even break the shell to reach the core by itself.

Apart from this, silver hydrogen peroxide is short lived but silver has strong antibacterial effects, with broad spectrum effectiveness. Together this blend of hydrogen peroxide and silver is nearly as twenty times more powerful than hydrogen peroxide alone. This solution is natural, colorless and does not stain dental equipment. It is non corrosive and odorless in nature. Being a multipurpose disinfectant, it is used to sanitize the water supplies as well. To know more, feel free to read about the product.

Chemtex Speciality Limited globally markets Nano Silver Hydrogen Peroxide made from a combination of Hydrogen Peroxide IP and Nano Silver particles, under the registered trade name of Alstasan Silvox.

Friday 31 March 2017

Going green in the greenhouse

Greenhouse Effect is a pretty well heard term on the news, but do you know the origination of the term?  The concept of a greenhouse dates back to the Roman times, with the first Greenhouse built in the 13th Century, then known as “giardini botanici “to preserve exotic plants that the explorers brought back from the tropics.

The concept is simple; a structure where the walls and roof are made of transparent materials. Sun rays pass through the transparent walls and roof warming up the air and contents inside the greenhouse which on getting warmer re-emit the heat but this re-radiated heat from them cannot pass through glass again since they are of a longer wavelength, hence the temperature inside rises.

The need to protect the crops against unfavorable natural conditions prompted the advancement of protective cultivation. Greenhouses have got the extravagant of farmers, with their yields being safe from the evil impacts of climate, for example, untimely rain, hail, temperature fluctuations, etc. Under the National Horticulture Mission, farmers are being given subsidies to use greenhouses. Greenhouse development has turned into an essential approach of Indian Agriculture. Progressive farmers have achieved manifold increase in their yield and income by switching over to unconventional agricultural techniques like organic and poly house farming.  A greenhouse set up on one acre costs about 36 lakhs, out of which 65 per cent is granted as subsidy by Horticulture Department of Central and State Governments and a farmer has to bear an expenditure of about 12 lakhs.

The total production of vegetables in India is next to China, but per capita availability of vegetables is much lower than required, therefore, it is utmost necessary to improve the productivity of crops including vegetables. Steaming is just a fleeting solution; it loses its effectiveness every year. Pests and pathogens recuperate more rapidly every time. Steaming results in exhaustion, the increasing costs of fossil fuel, and the effects on the environment make it necessary to find a different approach. Steaming results in exhaustion, the increasing costs of fossil fuel, and the effects on the environment make it necessary to find a different approach.

With all the other climatic issues secured, the only door left to close is the one belonging to pests and pathogens, where Silver Hydrogen Peroxide emerges as the most effective gate keeper. Due to intensive soil management practices, soils in greenhouses are exhausted and very conducive to soil borne pathogens.  The most prominent fungal pathogens are Sclerotinia sp., Rhizoctonia solani, Botrytis cinerea and Pythium sp. The first three are able to produce sclerotia, by which they can survive in soil for many years requiring their timely disinfection. Effective beforehand soil disinfection with Silver Hydrogen Peroxide proves advantageous in many ways. Initial soil fumigation with silver hydrogen peroxide before plantation, moreover treatment by drip method is more effective in greenhouses.

Chemtex Speciality Limited globally markets Nano Silver Hydrogen Peroxide made from a combination of Hydrogen Peroxide IP and Nano Silver particles, under the registered trade name of Alstasan Silvox.


Silver hydrogen peroxide , a broad spectrum disinfectant is based on the unique formulation of hydrogen peroxide and silver ions in prese...