Friday 12 February 2016

Hydrogen Peroxide and Silver Reaction makes a safe Surface Disinfectant

Developed in the early 1970's, a product of hydrogen peroxide and silver reaction, functioning as a 'stabilizer and activator' at the same time. The resulting silver hydrogen peroxide is safe being both eco-friendly and nontoxic for humans and the environment. Silver Hydrogen Peroxide is a synergized blend of hydrogen peroxide and silver and is one hassle free solution to all pathogen related problems. It acts as an air fumigator for air borne pathogens, water disinfectant for water borne microorganisms, and even sanitizes surfaces for the settled masses.

This hydrogen peroxide and silver reaction is utilized as a part of various commercial ventures, such as Food and Beverage, Dairy, Brewery, Process Industry, Institutional etc. It is eco-friendly and can for all intents and purposes clean any surface with the exception of coloured fabrics. It is a prominent no-rinse, no-wipe biodegradable disinfectant for use when all is said in done sanitization of work surfaces, clean offices and different premises.

Contaminated surfaces and other food resources lead to spread and generation of lot of zoonotic diseases. These include Cleaning and disinfection plays an important role in prevention and disease control. Their adequate usage leads to significant reduction in pathogens. Composed of water and oxygen, it leaves no toxic residues behind, and is effective on a wide range of microorganisms.

Surface Sanitation Methodology:

·         Dipping: Dipping in a solution of this disinfectant diluted with DM water for a contact time of 15 minutes.
·         Spraying: Silver H2O2 is dissolved in DM water and splashed thoroughly. It is left for a contact time of 45 - 60 minutes.
·         CIP technique: A reasonable dilution of Hydrogen Peroxide and silver reaction product is splashed on or flowed through the pipelines.
Fill and Soak Method: Known as the fill and soak technique, the complete framework is loaded with a silver H2O2 solution and permitted to be soaked for some time, then flushed.

Silver Hydrogen Peroxide; shortened to silver H2O2 has a wide range of applications ranging from Bakery Sanitation, Winery Sterilization, Dairy Industry, Water plants and many more.

Monday 8 February 2016

Silver Hydrogen Peroxide based Agriculture Disinfectant

Agriculture forms a huge area, and hydrogen peroxide with silver has found an efficient use here. Silver Hydrogen Peroxide finds use as a soil fumigant, irrigation water disinfectant, etc., being stable over a wide pH and temperature range. This eco-friendly H2O2+AgNO3 blend breaks down into water and oxygen increasing soil life and crop yield with no known phytotoxic effect. It does not leave back any poisonous buildups and does not require flushing with water. Moreover, silver has an anti-senescence property which likewise expands shelf life of usability of products of the soil. 

The important characteristics of this eco-friendly disinfectant are:

Being colourless, odourless, and biodegradable, it is eco-friendly in nature 
Multifunctional as it finds a wide range of industrial and domestic applications 
Multimedia sanitation (Air, Water, Soil, Surface) 
Nontoxic, breaking into water and oxygen and no other toxic residues 
Cold sterilant (Does not require any heat for disinfection) 
Hydrogen Peroxide with Silver is non foaming in nature 
No Rinse product (Does not require rinsing with water) 

The benefits/ advantages of this hydrogen peroxide with silver as an agriculture disinfectant can be categorized under the following heads: 

Benefits to Grower

Saves time, energy and manpower and improves crop economics
Media fumigation can be done even only 4 (four) hours before plantation 
Stable over a wide pH and temperature range 
Does not release toxic fumes and harmful gases 
Does not require water rinsing after disinfection 
Soil does not need to be covered with plastic unlike formalin method
Safe and nontoxic to humans 
Non carcinogenic 
Non mutagenic 
Minimizes the use of harmful fungicides, pesticides, and bactericides
Can be used for regular treatment by drip, foliar sprays, and drenching methods

Benefits to Soil / Growing Media

Destroys all fungi, bacteria, viruses and pest populations in soil or media
Kills even eggs and larval stage of insects-pests 
Eco-friendly and biodegradable, breaking down to water and oxygen 
Improves soil / media porosity
This H2O2+AgNO3 blend adds more oxygen 
Improves water uptake capacity and capillary action 
Does not leave behind toxic residues  
Prevents and treats nematode infestations 
Increases soil/ Cocopeat/ other media life 

Benefits to Crop

Increases plant establishment and reduces initial plant mortality
Hasten seed germination and enhance crop growth by boosting fresh root formation
It works as a crop activator which enables it to fight against diseases 
Denaturation of DNA helps against resistance development  
Increases both production and marketable yield 
Silver has an anti-senescence property which prevents ageing of fruits and vegetables 
Helps in Ethylene inhibition 
Does not produce any phytotoxic effect 
Does not cause spotting on flowers and affect taste of fruits and vegetables 
Improves lustre of the produce along with extension of shelf-life

A synergized blend of hydrogen peroxide balanced out with silver, in presence of a catalyst, for use as a multipurpose and exceedingly compelling disinfectant. The eco-friendly and bio-degradable nature of this hydrogen peroxide with silver blend makes it effective for both industrial and domestic purposes. It efficiently treats/ prevents harmful and stubborn diseases such as Powdery Mildew, Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot, Crown Rot, and other fungal diseases. Bacterial Blight, Bacterial Cankers, and other stem and leaf eating diseases can also be cured with its application. 

One hassle free solution to all plant pathogen related problems. Having a high LD50 value makes it nontoxic in nature. Due to its fast action and zero phytotoxic effect, it effectively reduces the time between soil fumigation and plantation from the conventional 3 weeks to just 4-6 hours. 

Silver Hydrogen Peroxide finds wide usage in fields of open field cultivation for growing apples, grapes, corn, radish, potatoes, etc., to protective cultivation of apricots, oranges, capsicum, etc. It finds a huge use in floriculture where it not only treats microbial infections but the silver in hydrogen peroxide also increases the shelf life of cut flowers, thereby increasing their market value. 


Silver hydrogen peroxide , a broad spectrum disinfectant is based on the unique formulation of hydrogen peroxide and silver ions in prese...